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Brigade Alumni Association Camp Scholarship Fund

One week at Camp can make all the difference

An Opportunity to Change Lives

There was a young man who had a rough life at home.  When a friend from school invited him to come to Battalion he was baffled by what he saw, men engaging with and encouraging the young men like him.  That summer he ended up going to Camp with his Battalion, the funds largely provided by a couple men in the unit.  The young man had felt something changing in his heart over the weeks he was at Battalion, but at Summer Camp it came to fruition.  While playing games, engaging in activities, learning skills, making new friends, and being discipled he opened up his heart to Christ for the first time.

The young man came to know Christ that week, and later not only became a leader within his Battalion, but also worked on staff at Camp for the next few years.  Eventually he grew up, had a family of his own, and as a leader in his Brigade Unit did his best to make sure every boy and young man could get to camp.  After all, one week can change the trajectory of an entire life-just like it did for him.

The Brigade Alumni Association is proud to announce a scholarship fund to help boys and young men attend Summer Camp.

The goal of the Camp Scholarship Fund is to help ensure that finances do not prevent a boy or young man from being able to attend Summer Camp.  Through the generous donations of Brigade Alumni we are able to provide partial scholarships to help offset the costs of attending Camp.

Are you looking to apply?

All applicants must submit one application form filled out by their parent(s)/guardian(s) as well as one filled out by one of their Brigade Unit’s leaders.  As “Service” is our middle name, each applicant must complete a short service project (assisted by his leaders) and also write a short essay about the service project.  Both forms can be found linked below, as well as documents further detailing the details of the scholarships and process.  All scholarships will be sent directly to the Camp of choice.  To apply, click the button below.  For details, click “More Information.”

Are you an Alumni?

Did attending Summer Camp make a difference in your life?  Did it change your trajectory, and thus others whom you’ve impacted?  Do you have fond memories of the times spent amongst friends around campfires under the stars?  Will you help pay it forward by donating to send other boys and young men to have such an experience?  If so, click below to donate to the Camp Scholarship Fund to make your donation today!
If you would like more information regarding the Fund, click on “More Information.”

Boys studying the bible

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