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Lives Changed

For over 85 years our mission has remained the same.  Building godly men of today and tomorrow.  We could share countless stories about the many lives that have been changed because God uses humble, common men to establish His church.  The thousands of Christian men across North America who made their way to weekly Brigade meetings have all been average men from average churches.  Books will not be written about them, but the record will show that the friendships they created with individual boys paid immense dividends for the kingdom of God.  Join us in this amazing mission, we’re here to help!

fatherless No More

In this compelling video CSB Regional Director, David Gregg, shares his personal story of how
Brigade impacted his life, providing the male influences that shaped his view of Christian masculinity and launched him into a life of service.

it Takes a Man

Masculinity is caught not taught. In this story, Brigadier Bill Bautz shares about his experience and particularly how the ministry of Ray Millholland shaped his view of manhood and a what it takes to live a vibrant Christian life. “He was whatever a kid could want in someone to look up to.”

He Couldn't Even Read

God uses everyday men to do incredible work. This is proven again as Joel Fiscus shares about one of his Brigade Leaders that he discovered later in his life couldn’t drive, because he couldn’t read. but God used him in profound and life changing ways. We hope this encourages you to take the next steps to start a brigade ministry in your church.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

Sorry you couldn't find what you needed, but whatever your question, need, encouraging word, or good idea, we're eager to hear it! And we'll work to get back to you within one business day.