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How a Husband Found a Bond of Brotherhood

Christian Service Brigade is as much a ministry to families as it is to boys. Men often join CSB to help boys and then look back and see how their experience as a Brigade leader equipped them to be better husbands, fathers and friends.
I had the privilege of a phone conversation with Erin Jones, the wife of one of our Brigade leaders in California. She shared the many ways God used Brigade not only in the lives of her boys but her husband as well.
Her story is a great example of how the Brigade ministry really does shape hearts for Christ, and how that flows into the homes, churches and neighborhoods of the men and boys you are helping us serve.

"We had been members of our church for quite a few years, but we weren't super-connected; we're the kind of people who would rather run an event than go to an event. I always thought Battalion was for fatherless boys, so I figured my boys didn't really need that. However, it wasn't until Ted and our two boys got involved in Brigade that Ted really started bonding with the men in the church and began to develop deep friendships."

Below I share some of what Erin told me about the bond of brotherhood her husband found and the maturity her sons developed because of Brigade. I hope you are as encouraged as I am by her words.
Ted with some of the guys

Bond of Brotherhood

  • Brigade is important because boys need a place to become men specifically in a guys’ setting and in building relationships with men.
  • In that context, they can be properly taught about many things, including the sins that men struggle with. They can know they are not alone and how to confess and respond well.

Leadership Development

  • Because her sons have been able to watch different people lead, they have developed their own leadership styles and understand what it means to lead by influence rather than by power.
  • Even the quietest and most reserved boys are given an opportunity to lead a squad and discussions. This enables young men to have the confidence to do things like praying out loud.

Mission Driven Action

  • Ted, Erin’s husband (pictured in the center) has had a chance to mentor and disciple several young men. Some of them now attend church with Ted and his family on Sundays. That never would have happened without Brigade.
  • Erin said she loves CSB’s focus on scripture memory. She also appreciates that the boys learn to be responsible for other young men and to look outside themselves and think of others.
  • Brigade offers adventures their family wouldn’t have done otherwise, like rock climbing and other trips.

Learning Skills

  • She also loves the skills that her boys have picked up. At Battalion meetings they have all kinds of projects that are tied to living out their faith. Like taking apart a small engine, something they never would’ve done at home.
  • CSB also offers experiences and skills that push them outside of their comfort zone and their normal areas of interest to expand their abilities and their faith.

We’re here to help you build boys into men. Someone will disciple your boys. Don’t let it be the world. Let it be you.

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