Strengthen the bond between fathers and sons through mentorship and honest communication. Discover how opening up about struggles with things like pornography can transform fear into love and build a deeper, Christ-centered relationship.
Looking for a ministry to help raise boys into godly men? Christian Service Brigade provides mentorship, life skills, and spiritual growth through Christ-centered programs like Battalion and Stockade. As a mom, I’ve seen my five sons thrive, develop meaningful friendships, and grow into servant-hearted men with the guidance of godly mentors. CSB is a blessing…
Looking for a ministry to help raise boys into godly men? Christian Service Brigade provides mentorship, life skills, and spiritual growth through Christ-centered programs like Battalion and Stockade. As a mom, I’ve seen my five sons thrive, develop meaningful friendships, and grow into servant-hearted men with the guidance of godly mentors. CSB is a blessing…
Discover how generations of faithfulness are possible in your family through the transformative power of discipleship. Read the inspiring story of three generations impacted by Christian Service Brigade, where faithful mentors turned a fatherless boy into a legacy builder. Watch Josh’s journey as he starts a battalion near Sacramento, continuing the mission to disciple men…
Do you believe that generations of faithfulness are possible in your family? I do. I believe it because I cling to God’s promises. I was taught to do this by the men who discipled me through Christian Service Brigade. I saw the faithfulness of the godly, though imperfect men serving me. They served in faith.…
Christian Service Brigade is as much a ministry to families as it is to boys. Men who join to help boys are often equipped to be better husbands, fathers and friends. Erin Jones, the wife of one of our Brigade leaders shares the many ways God used Brigade not only in the lives of her…
I grew up without a father, thrust into a life of uncertainty and hardship. My beautiful mother, even with her best attempts to love and raise me, could never fill the void I had for a male role model and a father’s love. I began to attend the battalion nights with my son Michael, now…
Many men don’t know where they fit in at church. They feel the war on men even in their congregations or they simply don’t know how their skills, interests, and experiences can be used within the church. Brigade provides a natural place for men to use their gifts without feeling like they need to give…
Men have often abused their strength and authority. It is a mistake to respond to this sin by ignoring the necessary leadership to which God has called men. The answer is men who know how to serve, BY LEADING. That’s what Brigade helps men to teach boys.
What if things don’t workout? What if I fail? What if I die? All of the most important “what ifs” are put to rest in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is what we get to teach our boys and young men as we celebrate Easter.
Building antifragile boys through adventure: raising resilient, capable young men.
They're bombarded from all directions with examples of anything but a godly lifestyle. Studies show that boys learn how to behave as men by what they observe around them. With television, music and even their peers, they spend much more time exposed to bad examples than ever before.
That's what makes CSB Ministries so important.…