Do you believe that generations of faithfulness are possible in your family? I do. I believe it because I cling to God’s promises. I was taught to do this by the men who discipled me through Christian Service Brigade.
I saw the faithfulness of the godly, though imperfect men serving me. They served in faith. With human eyes, one would see no reason to think that their effort would pay off. Yet I saw the way their faithful, hopeful service changed me, a fatherless boy growing up in poverty. And their faithfulness has overflowed its banks, transforming my own son, Josh, and now my grandson; both are pictured above. Josh saw God’s faithfulness and wanted to pass it down, not only to little Sean but to other men and young men around him.
One way he’s chosen to pass on the legacy is by starting a battalion in his own area, near Sacramento. We are already excited to see the fruit borne of this new act of faithfulness. Watch Josh’s story in the video below.
I don’t pretend to control God by demanding anything from him. But I do believe his promises to be a Father to me and to my children, and I expect to see faith burn in their hearts as they come to know Him. And as they have come to know Him, the God who stoops in love to serve, I have been blessed to see that there are now three generations of Greggs who know that because they belong to Jesus, their middle name is all the same: ‘Service.’