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That Night I Went to Bed Torn in Two

Do you want to see the lives of young men changed so much so that they begin to rebuild a culture that is currently rioting against God? Then read on.

The words you are going to read are from a young man who arrived at a Brigade leadership event in December looking a bit like a lifeless teenage thug. He was forced to attend, but when he arrived he didn’t experience what he expected.

Samuel's Story In His Own Words

“Hello everyone, My name is Samuel Munoz. I’ve been asked to share my experience of the leadership advance. The leadership advance is three days away from all the distractions and worries of life and three days of good fellowship with brothers in Christ of all ages.

When I first came to Battalion it was because I was invited to this exact event to be completely honest, I didn’t want to go at all this was the first I had ever heard of Battalion.

But I believe that God put me there, that God put me here. And you would too if you knew the story. 

Before the leadership advance, I was not a Christian, I was a liar. The biggest liar you could ever meet. Not a word came out of my mouth that was not a lie. And that hurt. Living with my guilty conscience hurt. So, I decided unknowingly the night before the event that I was going to go out and do all the things that I was lying about. Looking back that was a very dumb idea. The Bible does say that: “There is a way that seems right to a man,

But its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 14:12

The next day before anyone in my house was awake my mother got a call and it was our family friend inviting me to go to this event. My mom woke me up, had me pack, and sent me to the event without knowing my plans. 

So here I was pretending to be a Christian and that was how I treated youth groups. But Slowly I realized that this wasn’t just another youth group of people saying one thing and living another. I saw little boys sitting through sermons, listening to men of faith giving their testimonies. I saw guys my age struggling with the same things I did but having victory over their sin, through God. And not one was lying….just, me.

That night. . . I went to bed torn in two and I don’t think I got to bed at all. Instead, I wrestled with the Lord as he pulled at my heart for hours.

That night. . . I cried for the first time in a long time.

That night . . . I spoke with Jesus in the quiet of the night. There was no joy sweeter than being in His presence again.

That night. . . I cried like a little boy and I didn’t even care, because I was saved from hell that night, and in love with Jesus.

For the following days I enjoyed worship so much, I cried. I enjoyed sermons and testimonies so much, I cried. I even enjoyed the food so much, I cried. In case you haven’t noticed I did a lot of crying. To sum it up, I highly recommend attending a Battalion leadership advance, because I can almost guarantee you won’t leave the same. 

We’re here to help you build boys into men. Someone will disciple your boys. Don’t let it be the world. Let it be you.

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