In John's testimony he tells how numerous men "filled the gap" that was left by an absent father. Our culture is full of fatherless boys, even the ones with dads who may be there but are silent about faith. Without a context like Brigade it is that much harder for the gap to be filled.
John and Lois Hoffmann are pedaling for a purpose with us this year. John is a Brigade alum and Herald of Christ #55. He is representing CSB unit #341 in which he grew up.
Even though he is battling the complications of Parkinson’s Disease they are committed to riding an exercise bike, because of the life-changing impact Brigade had on him. His father abandoned their family. John attributes the man he is today to his Brigade leaders’ examples and the care they showed him. They helped him understand at age of 11 years, the true meaning of John 3:16.
These men demonstrated what it meant to be a father to the fatherless, showing him the love of Christ. Check out this video of John describing in his own words his life changing and life preparing experiences with Christian Service Brigade.
We’re here to help you “fill the gaps,” to help you build boys into men. Someone will disciple your boys. Don’t let it be the world. Let it be you.